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Invisible wounds: How retrospective Gaslighting causes relationship issues

There are many people who we will encounter within our lives and not all of them will have our best interests at heart. But it can often be those people who we naturally assume would have our best interests, (parents, siblings and partners), who are capable of doing the most severe damage to our emotions and mental health. The problem comes from us struggling to accept that abuse has come from someone so close and in some cases may still be continuing. 

We can be realistic and acknowledge and accept that Narcissists and Narcissistic abuse exists within the world and as adults, we can learn how to spot this and avoid it. But what if the abuse has already taken place when we were much younger, or may still be going on today? Those invisible wounds can run very deep as the impact is often greater when inflicted by a family member. Narcissistic family members will always need to ensure that you were constantly put down time and time again in order to feed their fragile egos. For Narcissists, these fragile egos are a monster that needs to be fed constantly. In order to feed it they will always need to keep the attention away from their own shortcomings and at the same time put themselves in a positive light by default. This, unfortunately, is where you play your role in their dark drama as they repeatedly use any and every excuse to make you look and feel inferior. As I explained to someone who had come to see me after suffering in an abusive relationship with their sister, “Narcissists cannot build their own towers very high, so they have to bring everyone else’s tower down around them, so by default they have the tallest tower”. Now if we are abused by someone who we spend limited time with, then we have a choice to move away from them and can heal and recover. But if we have been repeatedly exposed to Narcissistic abuse from a family member, then that daily constant impact is going to cause us real problems later in life, as it will erode our trust in others and our ability to form bonds. We are often creatures of habit and we learn not to touch things that are hot as they burn us, now if we have learnt in life that family relationships are painful, we are going to be reluctant to ever become involved again for fear that those old wounds become open again. This will bring up trust issues and make it so much harder for us to fully open up to another person and can eventually drive them away. We then get stuck in this cycle and can even end up forming attachments with Narcissists as it is a relationship we are more familiar with. This impact will have been made all the worse by our family Narcissist abuser reinforcing that the abuse never happened that way, almost acting like “Retrospective Gaslighting”. They will fall back on such lines as “Don’t be stupid, you were never harmed, you were always taken care of”. Or even worse deny that the abuse ever happened and convince us that we are the crazy one, or the horrible one in the family, who was always making up problems and accusing others of behaving badly.   

The simple matter is that we do not always want to accept that narcissistic abuse may have come from family members, as it is a hard thing to believe that a parent or sibling may be a Narcissist. However, it is so important that we accept and acknowledge our abuser and the harm they have done, especially when they have been a family member as this can often be our first step to healing and recovering. At that same time as we call them out, we also have to pretty much wipe out anything they have ever said to us or told us. I know that sounds extreme, but when dealing with family Narcissistic abuse, you have to go right back to the start and disacknowledge the impact of their words on you. So many people often benefit from help with regression and reframing when they have suffered long term abuse, as it gives you the opportunity to view the reality of your past and not the distortion handed to you by a Narcissist. I have seen people change their whole world view of themselves simply by acknowledging that the words used against them, were nothing more than the Narcissist reality distortion field.

When we start to wake up to family member’s behaviour towards us and the falsehoods they have delivered to keep us down, we start to allow ourselves to disentangle from the blame and low self-worth that we are often left with due to the abuse. We need to take this brave first step and call out our abusers to stop ourselves internalising the abuse and thinking that we are to blame, we are not!

It is often a big step to take, however when we do we will realise that we were not the ones who are to blame for feeling a lack of trust and connection. We are however the ones who can start to make those changes within ourselves and start to build up those inner resources of strength and courage.

Remember always start by building that relationship with yourself first. If you are looking for a light at the end of the tunnel you may never find it, but you can be your own light every day.

Read "Monsters Live Amongst Us"

Available in Amazon In Paperback and Kindle

This is a first of its kind self-help book for defeating Narcissistic abuse.

 It has already been described as:-
  "A Self Defence for the Mind, which everyone should read" 

To read a sample or purchase click here

The first step to breaking away from a Narcissist.

We ourselves can sometimes be our own biggest failures as we just do not wish to open our eyes and see the reality of our own world.

I recently met a client who is about to undergo a meeting with someone who has previously caused them some emotional trauma and chipped away at their self-confidence. It is hard to sometimes acknowledge that someone in our lives might do this, but the reality of this world is that there are those who will use psychological warfare to get under our skin and manipulate us. The real issue here is that we just do not want to believe it! Emotional abuse is hard to spot and sometimes even harder to acknowledge.  It was hard for me to acknowledge that at certain times in my life, I was manipulated by those who Narcissistic intent. I did not want to admit that someone with my skills and qualifications could be taken in and deceived by a Narcissist, but the truth of the matter was that it happened to me and on more than one occasion. I was very lucky after a while; I saw the behaviour for what it was and dealt with it and the Narcissist in question and they never bothered me again. You could say that my eyes are wide open these days and I spot behaviours and call them out. I know of the horrors of this world and the depths that people will go to in order to achieve their goals. But this is not the same for everyone and there are those people, who will still want to believe that there is good intent in everyone and bad people do not exist. The fact of the matter is that they do exist and find it easy to hide behind our good nature and the lies and excuses that we make for them. Within the movie “The usual suspects” there is a line that goes “The biggest trick the devil ever pulled is making people believe that he did not exist”. Well, this is true of Narcissists, they do not wear a badge that says Narcissist and have you ever met a person who owned up to being one? No, of course, you have not and never will, they will deny their existence out of hand, just as easily as they will deny us our self-esteem and own reality.  

You have to call someone out in your own mind as the person they really are, it will not serve you in any way to mask and disguise their nature. The problem is that we just do not want to believe that evil exists, as it makes our world seem a little colder and darker and also we have to acknowledge that we at some point in our lives may have to deal with the real evil of a Narcissist. But denial will not protect you and will only serve as a veil for them to draw ever closer to you. The world is not all bad and most people are decent and opening our eyes to the horror of Narcissistic behaviour in our own world, will not destroy us; it will actually make us much stronger.

I have recently written a book about Narcissistic abuse and I have called it “Monsters Live Among us”, as you will be aware it is also the name of this blog. The title came out of a therapy session I conducted with someone, who really struggled to believe that someone in their lives was a manipulative and Narcissistic character. Despite them disclosing all manner of horrific emotional manipulations that this person had repeatedly inflicted upon them, they still struggled to believe that this person was bad. I eventually said to my client “I am sorry, but monsters live among us” and it is a fact of life that they do. There is both good and bad in this world and there is also evil.

You have to remember that most Narcissistic people will reframe themselves as a victim and their actions as innocent and this is always more palatable for us to believe, as it resets our mind and we can then go back to thinking “oh it is ok they are alright really”.  We have to be honest, really honest about those people in our lives who have repeatedly hurt us and given even the slightest chance will do it again.

There are many posts about spotting Narcissists and Narcissistic behaviours and the signs to look for if you suspect that you are being abused. There is however one sign that will always serve you will. This is a huge neon sign that you are being abused and that sign is, you are reading this blog post! If you are reading this post on your tablet or phone, then you are looking for answers and validation to your suspicions and you probably already know the truth.

We do not always feel that we should be honoured for spotting poor behaviours, as we are told to look for the good in everyone and to be positive. Well, there is a time to look for the good and to be positive, but before we get to that stage we need to open our eyes and see the reality of our world first.  

Always remember when attempting to spot someone’s real character, judge them by their actions and not their words. If you do this, then you will quickly see those around you for who they really are. 

Read "Monsters Live Amongst Us"

Available in Amazon In Paperback and Kindle

This is a first of its kind self-help book for defeating Narcissistic abuse.

 It has already been described as:-
  "A Self Defence for the Mind, which everyone should read" 

To read a sample or purchase click here

Are you addicted to Narcissists? The hardest thing to accept.

One of the things that we do not want to ever consider is that we are a part of the problem when it comes to an abusive relationship with a Narcissist! But ask yourself this, why is it that so many people end up in an abusive relationship after abusive relationship with Narcissist after Narcissist? The answer comes in the form of attraction and avoidance. Those people, who are often drawn to the supposed strength that a Narcissist demonstrates, will also be the same people who will find it difficult to deal with conflict. It is an absolute double bind, for the following reasons. Firstly, there are so many people who are drawn to strong characters as they imagine and see a strong person as a real go-getter and maybe even see them as someone who will protect them in a relationship. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with Narcissists, you could not be more wrong. This outward strength, usually demonstrated by a loud voice and bullish attitude actually masks their insecurities and vulnerability. It also demonstrates an inability to deal and negotiate like a grown up. The second part of the double bind is that those who easily fall under the spell of this supposed strong person will often be those people who will go to all lengths to avoid conflict. Now conflict will always be one of the greatest areas of familiarity for the Narcissist, as they have spent more time there than you have. It is no accident that those of Narcissistic intent as they are very good at resorting to direct conflict over the slightest thing and for many conflicts can raise uncomfortable feelings. So in order to avoid those uncomfortable feelings, we will often avoid conflict and then fall into a pattern or attraction and avoidance. This is where they start to distort their own reality and convince themselves that to have a strong person in their lives they also have to put up with their aggressive behaviour. You hear people talk about partners “Yes I know they are aggressive, but I knew that when I met them” or “Yes they shout to get their way, but they just are not the kind of person who stands for others messing them about”. They start to put everything back onto them and even validate their poor behaviour (Shouting, manipulative, bullying) as part of what makes them a great leader. Narcissists rely on others allowing themselves to be manipulated by them, but to those who feel that pull towards someone who they want to see as a strong person and not a bullying Narcissist, they do all the work for the Narcissist. It is normal for someone to want a strong partner, but the problem lies in how we categorise strength.  Do you see the uncompromising, hard-edged win at all costs person as a strong forceful person? It is hard not to, especially if they have been successful in certain areas of their lives. But the problem starts when they bring the same tactics to every area of their lives and instead of realising that this bullying you perceive it as strength. You are then bringing your own attraction strategy to someone being abusive, almost admiring your abuser for having the strength to be that way towards you. Again those who avoid conflict may often wish that they were more assertive and could be more like the resident Narcissist in their lives. Viewing them as someone who can get things done and who dares to do and say the things that you never would. You cannot deny that many Narcissists have an ability to obtain positions of power and influence and again for many people, there is an attraction to power or at least the perception of it. So this is where they end up time and time again, drawn to someone who appears strong, supposedly will take all of your problems away by dealing with the conflict that you avoid. But will actually end up manipulating you and dragging you into more conflict than you ever thought possible, in order to get what they want time and time again.

So how do you break this cycle? It is actually very easy, first of all, you learn what true strength is. Look for those people who are able to navigate and negotiate their way through life without conflict and forcefully bullying others into those things that they do not really desire. Start to seek out those people who are able to find that balance within their world that enables them to achieve success by helping others, not just by being self-serving. There is an old story I often tell those who come to see me who wish to learn how to break away from Narcissistic relationships and it is all about the power of flexibility.  Many years ago the large pins that held propellers on ships were made of steel. But in strong seas, the pin was too rigid and used to break. They are now made of tough durable, but flexible material and that flexibility keeps the propeller in the place and the ship going. Always remember that the strongest tallest building have large counterweights that all allow the building to gently sway so it does not collapse.  Real strength is found in flexibility and not rigidity.

Secondly, see those who use conflict as a weapon for what and who they are and start to learn how to deal with your emotion when in conflict. It is often the emotions that will dictate our words and actions when actually it should be the other way around. If we are in the grip of fear, then we will do anything to get out of it and this will often take us down the flight path, or giving into to our aggressor. But this pathway will only ever lead us to those who are Narcissistic coming back and demanding more and more of us. 

Remember it is only your emotions you can allow yourself to feel these negative emotions whatever they are (fear, shame, embarrassment) and still stand your ground.

Your own emotions can never hurt you, but you can allow others to use them against you and cause you to act in a way that will cause you pain. You can never master another person, but you can master yourself. 

For further help if you are suffering from abuse

Read "Monsters Live Amongst Us"

Available in Amazon In Paperback and Kindle

This is a first of its kind self-help book for defeating Narcissistic abuse.

 It has already been described as:-
  "A Self Defence for the Mind, which everyone should read" 

To read a sample or purchase click here

How do Narcissists start to take control and the one thing you can do to stop them

We have all read of cases where those who have been a victim of abuse have just suddenly snapped and were unable to take any more abuse. It is that slow manipulative, wearing down of a person`s emotions that just leads them to that state where they can no longer cope any longer and just cave in. The problem is that we only ever really become aware of this state in others or ourselves when the car is almost careering over the edge of the cliff and about to crash and burn. But the car does not have to go over the cliff; we just need to think things through from a much earlier stage.

I often tell visiting clients the following. “Have a plan for yourself, as if not someone will have a plan for you. If you aimlessly drift around in a small boat you will end up in a destination, not of your choosing. However, if you have a map, compass and a firm handle on the rudder then you will not only know where you are going but will get there under your own steam. But to do this and avoid falling into that state of breaking point, we have to start to take responsibility for our lives, both in work and personal situations and for some people this can actually take some effort. Now those of Narcissistic intent will always be on the lookout for those people who seek comfort in others taking the reins and not wanting to be responsible for organising their own world. Whenever anyone offers to take something off of our hands, we are usually pleased, but we have to be aware as this will come at a price. Just like that person who takes charge of booking a holiday and all of the trips and travel, they may have spent the extra time doing it, but in that situation, they have more control and interest than anyone else. You may be thinking, but how does this stop a Narcissist pushing me to the point where I snap and lose the plot. Let us look at things from inside the mind of a Narcissist for a minute. Taking control over every and any situation gives the Narcissist so many of the things that they desire, the power to say who does what, being the centre of attention, controlling the outcomes and one of their favourite toys, assumed or pseudo-authority. Pseudo authority is one of the reasons why so many Narcissists lie about their past and achievements, as it allows them to bring a false authority to any situation. If we believe that someone has a background in law, we would give more weight to their thoughts than someone who does not have a legal background regarding a legal argument. When we let someone start to take control of those things in our lives, they start to take on the Pseudo authority figure in our lives and our worlds. “I know what is best for you” “I won at a game of Monopoly, which is why I control the family budget” It is not real authority, but we just start to accept that they are an organiser and good at these things. When the reality is that they are no better at these things than anyone else, they just know that the one who pics up the phone and takes control is perceived in this way.

This is how it starts what Narcissistic people, they come into your lives and start picking up the phone and taking care of those things that you would rather not. Sorting out the mundane and dull and little by little assuming more and more pseudo authority and control in your life. So it is only a small step till they are taking on much more control and responsibility in your world, putting themselves into the role of rescuer more and more, till you make the worst mistake and start to, rely on this. When you become reliant on any one person or thing, you are incredibly vulnerable and if that person is a Narcissist, then this is the point where they will start to press those all-important emotional buttons in you. The odd comment such as “What would you do without me”. “Just as well I was here to sort this out”, then they cleverly turn this comments outward to chip away at you “You’re a complete mess without me” “If we leave it to you, then it will all go wrong”. These comments are always playful and often said in front of others, to again demonstrate their fake authority and control of a situation. This reinforces your inability to do, in front of others and really starts to destabilise you. Then before long some of the more frequent Narcissistic patterns and strategies start to emerge, Gaslighting or more subtle manipulations, such as reality distortion occurs.

But it does not have to be this way for you and you only need to do one simple thing to prevent yourself from falling victim to these manipulations. You can head a Narcissist off at the pass, but it requires you to do something that so many people struggle with, taking action!!

Whenever you read any self-help book, they will often tell you that the final step after all of your planning and motivation is to take action. Well, when it comes to Narcissists, you have to forget this slow strategy and change the game. You need to be the one with their hand up first, taking hold of the map and the phone and taking action. We do not take action, as we fear failure and not knowing what we are going to do. But it is better to take action and not have a plan with a Narcissist, than thinking through every possible action and waiting a week to plan your perfectly executed strategy. Even if you are the one who verbally states “No, It is ok, I have got this” you will start to feel that you are taking back control and it will show you as a stronger person to others. 

Look at it this way, you may not know exactly where you are going to start off with, but if you are programming the satnav and have your hands on the steering wheel, then you can change direction any time you wish.

Remember when you start to take back control of all of the small things in your life, you will start to realise your ability to achieve your full potential and see your self-worth.

                              For further help if you are suffering from abuse

Read "Monsters Live Amongst Us"

Available in Amazon In Paperback and Kindle

This is a first of its kind self-help book for defeating Narcissistic abuse.

 It has already been described as:-
  "A Self Defence for the Mind, which everyone should read" 

To read a sample or purchase click here